Thursday, October 25, 2007

Movies With Long Dong

Lagotto and SIAE

Vabbeh the suocerina talk talk but in reality I did not want and I left on vacation!

Restless with Lagotto .... oh well well

Given his tendency to take actions which may be the subject of ridicule and also on his personality unintentionally comic Lagotto often lends itself to be the victim of pranks and practical jokes by his friends bastards.
For a long time the main fun of the bastards was to immortalize in Lagotto 'performance of its physiological functions: in short, it was photographed on the toilet.
Those who think this might be a stupid play, which can only make fun brain-injured individuals, has never seen a photo session with lagotto. This is a real game of chess, where the two sides face each tumbler worthy of Napoleon and counter-offensives by the KGB. It all started when
a feast of 'last year, we spent in Rome, a friend's house. We found that the most likely Lagotto in his DNA must have a gene that forced him to go to the toilet between ten and qiuindici minutes before midnight.
And so it was that time. The student spirit that animated the group, together with the availability of a camera, did the rest. The Lagotto made the unforgivable mistake of not locking the door and we burst into the bathroom, immortalizing the fateful moment, remember that fired at least six pictures, two of which are blurred.
The following year we had an 'other party, this time in a country house. It was one of those parties where there were friends, friends of friends and Friends of friends of friends, in short, a large brothel where they know you and no one person in five.
Mindful of what happened the year before, this time Lagotto, when they were the 23 and 46, said nothing to anyone and went to the toilet like a ninja.
Mindful of what happened the year before, of course we had already prepared the camera and put our man near the bathroom. Of course we had taken care to remove the key from the door, so that the Lagotto could not close it, and thus, the sign of our man, we added three more shots to the collection. Since that time the unfortunate was started to be nicknamed "Cagotto.
The third opportunity came the following summer, when we decided to spend a few days along the beach, camping.
For a well-known principle of thermodynamics is nothing created, nothing is destroyed, but everything changes. The food of course no exception to this law: Man takes them and assimilating them, turns them into energy and more. The energy he needs to maintain vital functions. The "other", however, not useless and deposits it in the gut, until the evacuation. The 'Man can not remain for too long to evacuate, because the intestine is of limited capacity. For a simple syllogism, Lagotto, being a man, could not stay too long without evacuate.
We had tried to resist a few days, but when we do not made her more had reached the point of waking up at night, slipping out of the sea like a tent without making a sound, and crawl to the toilet with a torch in his right hand and a roll of toilet paper in the left.
We were not even gotten to the point to mount the guards by surprise, but we decided that we would have done if, within the next two days, we were not able to steal at least one 'other photograph. It was too important, we had seven photos come good, there needed five more to make the schedule (other than Canalis! We would have proposed analy ...).
Luck came to meet us, disguised as a bagel with cream of six in the morning. The transformation process of that gas tank must have Lagotto caught by surprise, because her expression suddenly became worried and whitish: it was in a panic! we were all close to our tents, which were less than twenty meters from toilets, knowing that this time we would have caught. What to do? Satisfy the physiological need and expose yourself for the umpteenth time mocking the shooting, or stand proudly awaiting a more favorable moment?
Unfortunately for him the need was so great that he had to give and we were all imbued with a sort of feeling of liberation when we saw him galloping towards the services, while trying to maintain a vestige of dignity.
The camera was armed, but at this point there was a problem: to the doors of public toilets is not possible to remove the keys, because they have not: close by special newfangled fixed in the structure. The great strategists, however, do not stop in front of similar small unexpected: we had developed a plan of the toilets. No way to reach the post of Lagotto land, but there still remained the airway. Those toilets are in fact made up of high walls no more than two meters and forty, and between the walls and roof, presumably to allow easier exchange of air, there is a space of nearly sixty centimeters, more than enough to lean back and take a companion. And we did, getting five shots that were still missing for our calendar.
None of us has yet managed to understand how it could verify the leak, but a few weeks later Lagotto learned of our project, and bore a move that clearing literally decided to protect his image rights. He went, equipped with all twelve photographs that they saw him as a subject, at the offices of the SIAE, accompanied by a friend, who looked good from going with him, merely to stay in the doorway, where he saw, but could still hear what was coming. Lagotto
: "Good morning! I should settle this!"
Clerk: (looking at the pictures, I assume air bewildered) "What do say - store this? "
Lagotto:" Oh, yes, to the image rights, no, because, should know that my friends made me a joke and they want to make a calendar and T-shirts ... "
Clerk: (with a tone of one who has fully understood the situation, and that is to be confronted not with an individual who would make fun, but a complete idiot) "Unfortunately it is not possible to store images. If she wants to be protected, first you must find the negatives, which I presume she does not hold, so it must destroy them. Sorry for not being useful to them otherwise. "
Lagotto: (puzzled)" Ah, I see. You can not do anything? "
Clerk: "No. I'm sorry." Lagotto
: "Okay. Good morning."
use: (stifling laughter) "Hello ..."

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Does Mac Make Up Go On Sale

People, beware! Mothers-are back!

eh, there's nothing to do ... the summer heat, tiramento ass .... mica scrivessimo you expect something, true?

Now freschino ago, the suocerina has finished tuning up the computer again and you prepare a couple of goodies, as well as the inevitable continuation of the saga of the Lagotto!

oh mama, is a picture that just makes me shiver to think about it (and when I took it there were about 40 degrees!)

then do a little bit sborona Anglophone and I say "stay tuned for more to come" (translation for blowjobs "in the coming days are the public ignorant!")

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Lg Bd270 Play Dvd On Region 3

Ironically .... The


square in Rome for Christians
against persecution and for Father Bossi

Several thousand people took to the streets of Rome to ask for respect for religious freedom in the world and protest against the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.


LOOK MA!! After 2000 years, during which Christians have persecuted them ALL the others now feel an "endangered species". Some data
, just to take stock of the situation:

Already the Emperor Constantine had intervened in the affairs of the Church with a decree banishing the bishops declared heretical by the Council of Nicea.

This situation was further developed in 380 when Emperor Theodosius, with the Edict of Thessalonica became the Roman Empire was in a confessional, providing penalties for those who do not profess the religion of the apostles. The next few years to increase the penalties other imperial edicts against heretics, up to the death penalty.

(source: wikipedia)

Year 609 AD GUNDEMARO ascended the throne, now brings together a council at Toledo reaffirming the Catholic religion. The councils only King could summon, and only the king had the right to appoint bishops or to deprive them of their diocese. This year's in Toledo is already the fourth (if you take 18). Gundemaro discusses and enforces a strict law, "state's duty to defend the church and punish crimes against the Catholic religion."
After only two years of his reign GUNDEMARO dies (612), comes to power another Christian king SISEBUTO, author of Lives of the Saints (with a profusion of miracles), and a fervent Catholic, that does not prevent him from having large expansionist ambitions, with and two great generals such as RECHILA SUINTILA, subjects the Asturiana, some groups of the Basque, and hunting all but the last Byzantine Spain.

But where he left terrible memories of this compiler-Lives of the Saints-was the persecution of the Jews, who since the time of the diaspora had taken refuge in large numbers in Spain live in peace with the Visigoths Arians. The king sent
racist laws: forbidding mixed marriages who were convicted of adultery in the same way, forbade Jews from owning Christian slaves by requiring them to set at liberty those who had a service and to own land, so they were prevented from carrying out any agricultural activity, the city can only residence, but where the same laws forbidding Jews to hold public office.
The most severe was that of tightening a law that already existed for some years but had never been applied, and it was one of Recaredo, the first Christian king of Spain, who had imposed an edict that all Jews should be baptized with the Christian rite, under pain of exile and confiscation of assets patrimonial law that shocked the same Bishop Isidore of Seville (560-636 - great intellectual, Monaco sent at the time of Gregory the Great to evangelize the Visigoths) who died some years Sisebuto (621), Isidore tried to revoke this law when he was to lead the council of bishops, but I could neither return the goods to those who had been stripped with quell'editto or arrest the progressive suppression of freedom of worship.


Then ... everyone knows about the affair "inquisition," which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of "witches" and homosexuals (yes, this detail is often silent but it is a fact). As everyone knows the tenacity shown by zealous Christians in exterminating entire cultures (see South America, Africa etc etc) ... and oh well, let's also the Crusades!

All evil done now back, matter of REDE or karma?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

2010 Chevy Silverado 427ss For Sale

zdaure landed in London on

Sisi, it's true! They came to London!
ok, zdaura across the Channel has undergone a certain mutation in order to better adapt to new habitats, but are able to do almost better than homegrown!!
I do not say anything but thanks to my brother quell'umarell who provided such great ... uh ... folkloristicità!

Citizens Bank Franklin,n.h Routing Number

beans and de Lillo Bich (Flesch nius)

The beans and Lilly are back to the "sea" this weekend and send me a spescial the sweet sleep ...

writes directly to the beans: REST IN PEACE

Too bad there is no sound! Russian as a truck driver!


What nice to be miles and miles on the highway code in the sun just to enjoy such scenery! Ahhhh I almost envy them!

Dandruff Or Lice Eggs

Finally someone does something!


Proposal fine of $ 500 for those who leave see linen

A mayor of Louisiana wants to make a proposed law banning low-rise pants, more specifically to showcase the fashion board shorts, such as "indecency." The BBC reported today in its online version. Delcambre's city council unanimously approved the order of a few days ago, making the offense a widespread fashion among the youth to show off the underwear low waist pants. If you put your underwear on display, you can receive a fine "of $ 500 (375 Euros), warned Mayor Carol Broussard. Violators also risk a penalty of six months in prison. This is a new ordinance that is particularly concerned with low-waisted trousers - said prosecutor Ted Ayo - those that show their underwear in public. "The mayor has denied that it is a racist measure, directly, for example, against music fans hip-hop. "The whites wear low waist pants, cut short Broussard.


It's about time! Yes yes vote in favor. I sick of seeing cigarette butts, ciccette, Rodella and especially hairy ass!! I hope someone also collect this initiative from us!

Monday, May 28, 2007

How Much Does The Matrix Cost

Lagotto and the world of work

We're back here with our hero grappling with the adult world!

Entry Lagotto of the world of work has been from the 'start suffering and contradictory, graduated in five years in a vocational school (course duration for an individual able-bodied: three years!), where he earned a certificate as an electrician, he began to look for a use it has to do with his training. No one wants it. Thus began an ordeal from job to job, during which performs many different tasks: mason, employed to wash cars, trucks, tilers, etc..
These constant changes are primarily due to three reasons:
1) the continuing search for a job as an electrician, plus the need to work, which forced him to accept any What's being offered and to be unhappy at the same time.
2) the inability to keep a job for more than three months because of his aforementioned delusions of persecution, which made him feel to be the target of the leaders, which led him to be hateful and colleagues that the leaders themselves .
3) is a dickhead!
For all these reasons it is successful in only four years, to complete a full work book, which does not indicate that to his advantage if he had had to present a few interview. On my advice he gave to another, saying he had lost the old one.
Let me dwell for a moment on the third point, recounting two anecdotes.
The first relates to his experience as lavamacchine had found a job at a car dealership, and his job was to wash the cars before they were delivered to customers. Way to work every day on a motorbike, being under the license (the result was was later rejected an unspecified number of times, both in theory and in practice). It was not exactly the place he had always dreamed of, but it was better than nothing: still work, simply did not need to think.
One morning I visited him, was struggling with a Volkswagen Golf GTI 16v, metallic gray. Just finished washing it, perhaps to impress upon me, perhaps because of rivalry with his colleagues that sped the car wash for yard and parked in tight spaces, that's our Fittipaldi starts at the head of this beast of 150 horses, starts the engine still running, leading to about 8,000 rpm with a pair of outgassing, and partly reverses scoured to pull out from the car wash tunnel. Bad luck would have it, on its own trajectory, some bastard had it built in the design of the building a reinforced concrete column, which served to hold another parking lot upstairs. The impact was inevitable, he felt only a grating noise, and the car stopped: the whole left side was to be remade, of course, the car was supposed to be delivered the next day.
Rigotti got out of the car with the expression annoyed those who had taken an obstacle on the road with the wheel and was checking what it was, seemed not to have realized the severity of the injury.
I told him: "Mark, look at the side."
"It 's something happened that should not happen!" Ruled the fool ...

The second episode relates his own experience as a forklift driver: He had been employed by the Coca Cola , and his duties were to handle those big drums with the truck.
As it happens, then I had a friend who, just at the Coca Cola, was responsible for the maintenance. He told me what happened one day.
cart, you know, are people gay and collegiate, and once, during a break, had staged a race with the trucks: it was zigzagging between two parallel rows of barrels in the shortest possible time. Up for grabs, I guess there was the classic beer media.
course our Lagotto
forklift driver who immediately ran supreme, and when it was his turn, making a curve a little too close to a speed a little too high, he managed to hit one of the drums, knocking him down. I do not know if you have ever seen the size of those drums, but we are talking about a few hundred liters.
course, overturned, and went to hit an adjacent shaft, creating a ripple effect, as in Domino, and reversing No. 4 in total stems, which poured on the ground dozens of hectoliters of the precious beverage.
After a dressing down by superiors, over lunch, Lagotto returned to his work, perhaps he was still shocked by the incident, and so did not pay particular attention to what he was doing. He felt just a scream that tore the environment and made all away from their duties: The Lagotto was done with the spare car just above the foot of a colleague, who was immediately taken to the emergency room.
things happen, things that fall within the normal series of accidents at work.
Forty minutes later another colleague uttered the same cry ...


I had promised myself, for decency, not to mention this third episode, but now I feel almost obliged to do so, for the record.
Lagotto was hired as a laborer at a company that deals with road signs in practice have to mount guard rails and signs, paint markings, etc. ..
Coincidentally, my father worked in the same company, and it was me, through him, to press because they hired him (he was the first and last time) because he had much need to work.
One day he went to supervise the construction site on which the team who had been assigned Lagotto was working: it was to redo the guard rail on a stretch of the highway. The team was well organized: all wore orange overalls reflectors, the area where they were speaking was reported first 150 m, were parked on a lane and two white vans with the words "(name of company) Street Signs." At one point, the foreman Lagotto asked if he could make a jump in the firm to take the material that was intended for the yard, never mind, the company had an output of distant highway.
Lagotto promptly boarded one of two vans with the words "(name of company) Road Signs", and went to take the material.
Now, I do not know how this can have been possible, even today I try to explain how such a thing could happen, but managed to take a Lagotto against traffic junction, under the astonished eyes of my father, the team leader, the entire team, and two policemen, known in the colleagues and among motorists in the city, respectively, as "The Cobra" and "the Weasel , which had stopped to look at the construction site and have not even had the strength to do anything except put his hands before his eyes in disbelief .
Quell 'episode gave me a life lesson: if you want to get away while violating the Highway Code, tries to violate it in the most blatant and reckless you can: no policeman will ever fined ...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Brown Thick Discharge Before Period

The Chuck Norris of the poor

swear there! E 'be apparent with a bit of trouble, she manages to say an average of 8000 words per second, is unnerving for those who work but look at that side of goodies that can produce! And they say that working in the bank is boring!!







7. "I am not an ass MICCA SHOOTING AND THEN TAKE ALSO A KICK IN THE ASS !!!!!!!!!!" (10/07/2005)


9. I did not understand, not because 'I do not understand, indeed quite the opposite ... (12/12/2005)

10. I checked, WHY ARE NOT ABLE TO NOT INFORMATION (01/02/2006)


12. my question ... OF COURSE I HAD DOUBTS (23/05/2006)

13. correct me if I WRONG And I'm not mistaken ... (23/05/2006)

14. BEFORE JUMPING OUT OF THE QUESTION I have already identified, analyzed and resolved (23/05/2006)

15. MOST IT ... AND HOW TO WRITE 'who speaks a dozen languages \u200b\u200band I am forgetting L' ITALIAN (05/23/2006)

16. (addressed to the head office) "ARE very good, WHY 'YOU HEAD (07/14/2006)



19. THE smart people is not distorted EVER .. I was referring to ME (23/04/2007)

20. Fortunately, today I decided to take it slow .. They are calm (27/04/2007)


22. CALM .... If I have not yet done so (one ticket assembled) for a reason ... .... Because I am fast ... .. even correct me. ... Very fast (08/05/2007)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Zumba Clothing Calgary


NEXT!! Come forward who said that wears multicolor !!!!!!
No, because the multicolor suocerina which has the friend of those series, not the maximum that PIVELLINA approach the green to orange, and wants to find out if the multicolor is an amateur who has voted or not!! : O)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Black Tattoo White Specks

Pope abolishes limbo

The news reached me this morning ... I heard on several TG, indeed, I watched them all right because I could not believe. Apparently, however, he did indeed!

What is limbo? The limbo is a bad bad place where, according to Catholic doctrine are children who have died without being baptized. Scary stuff eh? What fault I have the little innocent if they have not had time or if the bad guys, bad parents do not wash them took the original sin. What then ... for years I wonder why the hell should a child be born already "sinner"! There is little point is what ... a bit 'like the fact that a human newborn tot already has thousands of euro in debt (this according to the teaching of the Italian tax authorities).

I must not digress, eh? Ok .. back to limbo. In this age of rampant religious marketing Kraut, the pope has made a decision: it is uneconomic to support the theory of limbo, people do not like it, then so do ABOLIAMOLO Catholic parents happy or not. The limbo is no more, collective sigh of relief ...

But based on what a pope, another being (more or less) human decides that what has been an integral part of his religion can be abolished by a decree? He said God? Communicated it to him via sms? Mah .. it confusing ... as the removal of original sin? And the sin of pride?? And what about lust? Uneconomic and unpopular that even ... ABOLIAMOLAAAAAA!!

Way .. now I, La-Law provides that all laws (religious and secular) that does not sit well with me should be abolished ... I'm going to go out and steal a wheelchair to an invalid ... I can always say that God told me!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Katys Playground Escort

Lagotto 2 ... better and better!

Again thanks all'umarell well as my brother ...

Another peculiarity of the Lagotto is constituted by his delusions of persecution: he, as a micro parallel world and the metaphysical, is convinced that the entire universe exists in terms of resent him. Lagotto makes victimhood and whining of a reason to live, and that his persecution mania leads him to search for explanations of his being hated in the depths of his fervent mente.Data the origin of the explanations that autofornisce, these can only be of enormous cows. An example: Lagotto in his life had very few women, if they can chiamare.La her first sexual experience was mercenary, at the age of twenty-one years old I took him myself one night in a notorious district of the city I live in, where the streets are full of generous ladies, mostly of color. I waited patiently outside the (my) car and the Lagotto important to complete the experience, and while chatting amiably with some of these girls and other males who were standing around (what you do for friends ...) . riaccompagnai When the home was strangely silent. Usually verbose when they do not speak is because something hatch, which promptly broke at the time to say goodbye. "I'm very disappointed," he said, "I thought after making love we'd be embraced for a while to cuddle. Apparently, I was obnoxious and has been with me only because I paid!" I gave up trying to explain that the mercenary love, generally, it works according to these rules, and made the biggest mistake of my life: I replied, "You should look for another kind of woman." All hell broke loose! Twenty-one years of sexual repression and delusions of persecution came out strongly at once: "Where can I find? NOWADAYS THE GIRLS LOOK JUST THE MONEY AND THE MACHINE!" It got out of (my) car, without even giving me time to reply, also because on my side, I had very valid arguments to dismantle its fragile thesis: I had a girlfriend, sweet, smart, nice, died hair long and smooth as silk , deep blue eyes and a fifth of the bra. And I went around in a Fiat 127 bianca.Da that time trying to create an image that satisfied the canons, according to his way of thinking, could one day lead a girl to fall for him, became his obsession. First he needed a machine: he, having to reconcile its economic scarcity with the need to have a 'prestigious car, chose a Fiat Bravo 1.6 16V, payable with a lease of 60 (sessanta!) monthly payments, debt also its possible future progenie.I Lagotto early days was filled with an inner charge out of the ordinary: it seemed that his new and prestigious (a Fiat!) means of transport he did hear the owner of the World, and suddenly all his insecurities were as vanished. After a few months based on continuous two of spades, despite the stack of bills on which he traveled, his inner office was like that of a battery Varta used fifteen years old. There was something wrong, but could not figure out what. Yet now he had a nice car. Maybe it was the way she dressed? Maybe the universe really hated him? Again, he asked for help from his neural network, that gave the explanation that the girls "are all bitches and if they pull it, and if you win, you must be shit over them." But back to the Fiat Bravo 1.6 16V, payable with a leasing of 60 (sessanta!) monthly installments. That at least had left, but had lost its meaning: he was no longer a status symbol able to give him the love of his life, but simply a common means of transport, more expensive and cumbersome to maintain. Perhaps unconsciously, he developed a visceral hatred towards the useless iron, and should be for this reason that over the years, periodically, you get some little incident. Every two months, a collision occurred, an impact against some wall, a Sfriso against an 'other car stops coming out of a parking lot. This series of microtrauma reduced as the Fiat Bravo 1.6 16V and so on. worthy of a jalopy to a Palermo, once saw her, I noticed that one of the lights was broken and the area around visibly bruised. "I had a black eye!" I said Meanwhile Lagotto.Nel lease, petrol, road tax, insurance, continued to rage on his poor pockets like a sword of Damocles, that to do? you could not sell the car: if anyone would be taken in those conditions. Until a few months later, for once, Lagottovenne blessed by fortune. "Someone stole my car," he said ...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Is Mac Cosmetics Hiring

beans and de Lillo on Bich (Part Two - fur? No thanks!)

We stayed at Lillo and beans on the Adriatic Coast laughing right?
Ok ... well, now those of you who suffer from "vomiting easy" is requested to continue reading with your eyes closed!

I tell you today two amazing adventures that have a common denominator: the hair. Hairy cursed, hated by gay men than by pornstar hair vile, obscene, Pelosi ...

1 st Pile:

imagine you are on the beach (although that Rimini is defined in a more appropriate "muddy puddle), the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the sand slips between your ass and relentless between your toes ... uh no, maybe not that!

You are lying to enjoy the relaxing (children screaming, hysterical screaming mothers, adolescents who pretend to play volleyball for turkeys, radio ball, pickup trucks with loudspeakers that advertise against emorrodi creams, extra selling coconut, swimwear , condoms etc etc ....). We are not relaxing? Well ... be careful! The hair is agguatooooooooo!

deck of the neighbor grains and Lillo, a middle-aged, has a habit of attacking with all button and talk talk parlaaaaaa. But so far you might as well be, just ignore it ... EH NO! Mr. Marone does not like being ignored and so he performed the famous "Bless the brown hairy" sits in the sun lace, looks around all puffed up, exhale and let her free, hairy scrotum, shrunken, reddish to get out of costume .
HORROR !!!!!

Lillo beans and we remain the beast, of course. Oh well it will get better tomorrow, the day is now ruined and our decamped before being sick. Tomorrow will be better ....

2 nd coat:

Another day, another gift! On
usual beach under umbrella, beans doze (or as we say in our country "spigozza) Bl. Dream .. what dreams we can not know because the beans refuses to tell us. But dreams ....

Then he wakes up, and it is normal for a healthy young male wakes up with a gay show of the flag, yawn, and realizes that Lilly is laughing and laughing and laughing. There is more inside, almost convulsing.

The beans look around and ... HORROR!! A short distance zdaura a septuagenarian, truccatissima, topless sgrillettando is a nipple. Sees him, and salutes, with a pair of tweezers and start pulling their hair around the areola ....
It 's too! VIA .... tomorrow is another day and you will see .....

And because it's almost summer now take this opportunity to launch a

PROMOTION: "do good to the world, without hair before going to the beach !!!!!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How Can I Tell If My Hair Is Long Enough To Wax


To reflect (sometimes we want) .. excerpts from the wonderful book by Daniel Quinn's "Ishmael" in 1992, which I recommend everyone to read.

(This conversation took place between a gorilla and a man, teacher and student, respectively, on the theme of "Captivity")

- I'll repeat a hundred times a day. Turn on the radio or television, and I will confirm once per hour. The man wins the deserts, the man wins the oceans, the man wins the atom, the man wins the elements, man conquers space ...
Ishmael smiled. - I had thought when I said that this story is the environment in your culture. Now you've realized. Your cultural mythology constantly whispers in our ears so that no one pays attention. It is logical that the man conquer space, the atom, deserts, oceans and the elements. In your mythology, was born for this.

"This is the current situation: we have to keep winning. And continue it will lead to the destruction of the world or to its transformation into a paradise ... in the paradise that was to be under human rule.
"And if we succeed in this business, if eventually become the absolute rulers of the world, then nothing can stop us. It will be the era of Star Trek. The man forward into space to conquer and rule the rest of the universe. Here's what could be the final destiny of man: to conquer and rule the entire universe. A truly wonderful creature, man. "

- Why? Because being human forces you to mess it up?
- Why is there something fundamentally wrong in humans. Something that works against heaven. Something that makes people stupid and destructive, greedy and short-sighted.
- Sure. In your culture, everybody knows that man is created to transform the world into a paradise, but unfortunately it was born defective. And, therefore, his Paradise has always been devastated by the stupidity, greed, destructiveness and the dall'imprevidenza.

- "Step up production to feed a larger population leads to further population growth." Said Peter Farb in human book.
- Given a growing availability of food, any population expands. Holds for any species, including human life.

- Why produce more food?
- To feed a million people starving.
- And when you give them something to eat you promise that you will not reproduce anymore?
- Be '... no, this is not expected.
- So what happens when you give food to all those millions of people dying of hunger?
- It will play, and the population increase.
- Without a doubt. In your culture, this experiment has been tried and tried for ten thousand years, one year after another, with an entirely predictable result: producing more food to feed more people has lead to a further increase in the population. It is so obvious and inevitable to expect something different means to surrender dreams, both from a biological point of view both from a mathematical point of view.
- But ... - I stopped and pondered some more '. - Mother Culture says that, at the right time, the problem will be solved by the birth control.
- Have you ever seen advertisements for groups that send food aid to starving people?
Yes - And have you ever seen advertisements for them to send groups of contraception?
- No.
- Never. Mother Culture speaks with forked tongue on this subject: How about when the world population explosion birth control responds, but when you say hunger responds to increased production. But unfortunately the increase in production occurs every year, while the world of birth control does not occur.
- Hunger is not exclusive to men. The suffering of each species throughout the world. When a species is multiplied beyond its agricultural resources, population decreases until it restores a balance. Mother Culture says that humanity is exempt from this process, and then when you multiply a people beyond its food supply from outside food is flowing, thereby ensuring that the next generation there will be more people to starve. Since then people will not be allowed to diminish to the point of keeping with its own resources, he will become a hunger chronic condition.
- Yeah. A few years ago I read in the newspaper that an ecologist at a conference supported the same point of view. He had never done! In practice they have accused of being a murderess.
- Yes, I suppose. His colleagues around the world will understand perfectly what he meant, but had the good sense not to challenge Mother Culture in the prime of his generosity. If forty thousand people live in an area that can sustain only thirty thousand, is not an act of generosity to send food from the outside to keep them all and forty: only serves to ensure that hunger will continue.
- It's true, but even so it is not easy to stand and watch while they die.
Ishmael gave a roar that resembled a volcano. - Who said anything about staying to watch him die? If you can not bring in food, you can always bring them out, no?
- Yes, I think so.
- then moved to the ten thousand too many in some areas of the world where there is plenty of food ... Italy, Hawaii, Switzerland, Nebraska, Oregon, Wales.
- I do not think such an idea would be very popular.
- So you prefer to exercise your philanthropy while forty thousand people in a state of chronic starvation.
- I'm afraid so.
- Bella generosity.

MEDITATE People ... MEDITATE .....


the first edition of Ishmael, include a note that began: "Ishmael has always been much more than a book to me. It is my hope that it will be much of a book for many of those who read it. If you're a part of this group, I hope you will make me the courtesy to get in touch. "
I would like to renew this call right now, adding only that, but I look forward to receiving your letters (each of them will read it!), You should please try to understand that I can not answer them all.

Postal address: PO Box 66627, Houston TX 77266-6627


You can also contact other readers of my books at the following URL:

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Message For The Debutant

The Chick ... SCOOP

After the affair of the chick (see Lillo, and beans: the chick ) ... someone has seen fit to make it big and put around this wonderful T-shirt:

For those who do not know English, the message is:
Save a tree, wipe your ass with an owl!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Fence Post Concrete Cure Time

A new character in the balcony

Here we are, gossipy mother in law, with a new character!
everything you read was written by quell'umarell of my brother, and I copy and paste diligently to introduce you to this new, wonderful kind of human being called Marco Lagotto. Obviously the name is fictional, but everything else did not, and I guarantee you that a 10 years since he personally knows every single adventure I'm going to tell you.

So here it is, courtesy of Matt Goor


I believe, indeed, I fear, that now is the time that I tell you about a man and the' environmental impact that these had , and continues to have on my life, and around the people around him. For the record, and also a feeling of pure sadism, will report its true name and character in question cognome.Il Lagotto name is Marco. Thirty-two years old, married, single, lives with his mother and brother jerk who works in banca.La his life is full of amazing events that shaped the character and helped him in his path, unfortunately back, because he has the rare quality of making endless geometric progression of crap whose disastrous effects, rather than serve as a lesson, have the sole purpose of killing each neuron volta.Ho met Marco Lagotto (which henceforth, for convenience, just call Lagotto) when we both had fifteen years, I was introduced to by friends and we went out together on a Sunday afternoon (do not remember exactly what). At first it seemed nice: was talkative, polite, most shot in a lot of crap, which makes it very popolari.Insomma to fifteen years, I had a good impressione.Non I saw him more for the next two years, until I was presented a second time, by another group of friends (I think it was destiny ...). This time we'd visited often, because it was entered in my circle of friends (at seventeen are called "company") and, from there, I started to know him better. First, it was not talkative, it seemed like the first time I met him: she was talkative! Now, there are two categories of the World verbose: smart ones and stupid ones. Both, the one that exists for the other category two subcategories: the educated, intelligent and talkative ignoranti.I have a tendency to straparlare: the talkative, intelligent-educated and speak without interruption about anything, although sometimes they may seem heavy, listening can be an opportunity to broaden their horizons culturali.I talkative, intelligent, ignorant have the same tendency to straparlare, because of their lack of education topics of conversation will inevitably less thickness, but will still be carried out with the insight and the wisdom derived from the intelligence of subject questione.I talkative-stupid-educated, like the previous two edempi, straparlano: they do generally function to show off their culture end in itself, and are puffed and petulanti.Lagotto not belong to any of these three categories: He strapped, but no strap. To be clear, a talkative, intelligent, educated, cultured and intelligent as it is, can not, humanly, more intelligent things to say: it is well known that the more we talk, the more you run the risk of saying stupid things. The amount of stupid things that you say is inversely proportional to intelligence and culture of the person who says, but a small percentage rimane.Quando Lagotto then speaks, saying only bullshit. That's enough for now, I leave you with this brief mention of psychological Lagotto. I will look into other details in the next episodes. This is a prerequisite to know the character's thought patterns and to better understand the shit that has combined during its existence, I'm going to tell you that I'm going to make me a tea presto.Ora: speaking of the character put me on a mixture of anxiety and gratitude .

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Walmart Wrangler Jeans

A little 'color (?????)

Ah so .... um ..... no, I have no words to comment on is crap ... I swear, I can not.
I let it do the author of the picture, the Suocerino Nirvana .... Please Sciura Nirvana, she let us make us !!!!!!
I'm going to throw up!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Stomach Virus Going Around

beans and de Lillo on Bich (first part - the attempted suicide)

Have you ever asked (tell the truth) where they are going to tan the Lords Gai ... Well your in-law I'll reveal ... ready?
TADAAAAAAAAAA - drum roll - go .... AAAAAAAAAA RIMINI! Yes yes its

Rimini, and in the same bathroom (ehhh no, I will tell you)!

However, in Rimini, you know, it happens all the colors and grains but Lilly will happen more, we do not know if it's bad luck, if you are looking for or what the sea but these two give their best .

I will tell you now one of their amazing adventures: One evening

beans and Lillo, placidly in desabbigliè as they say in French, savano bellibelli in their room when they hear a sudden a gross casino come from another room. From screaming understand that a guy is back in the room and found the woman in bed with another. They shrug: mica is their problem, they will never find a woman in their bed:-P But

.. But curiosity is known to be Gay .. and so unwilling to listen as long as the horned guy yells no: IO drags me down 'from the window! "and the replies cornificatrice" And throw. "
The guy throws ____

beans and Lillian rushed to the window right in time to see the fool who, having thrown the first (or second, I forget) spatascia asphalt floor, alive but in pain.
the grain is turns to the Lilly and says "Well .... but ... have you seen ....?" Lillo but Lilly had vanished into thin air !!!!! The
beans, thrilled, faces to the window again, and who sees you in a way not to get his affairs in perfect style-in-law?
Yes, exactly the Lillo, fully clothed, with shoes and everything that looks closely at the scene.
how I managed to get dressed and go downstairs in a nanosecond only the Goddess of homosexual knows!
beans observes the scene from above, while someone (not the Lillo, he was too busy watching and commenting on the fact with the other onlookers flocked to the scene) had called the ambulance. Bean is hard to see, curiosity is a lot but the impression is even more.

Ah forgot to say that the grain is extremely sensitive as well as paranoid hypochondriac. If you meet him, for goodness sake, do not tell him you have any illness otherwise is to him, not specified any virus, bacterium, fungus or otherwise rare genetic disorder before you die!

Here ... the beans, I said from the window at a safe distance, he sees a umarel the nose pressed against the glass where the ambulance had been arranged that cuckold shamelessly look inside, and even better to see you put your hands to pamper "around the face ... reflections of glasses are vile, you know, and do not let people see clearly that bled. To think that the beans: Vulture! What is that ugly people in the world !"...

You guessed it? The bad people was obviously the Lillo, that from that historic moment was appointed laundress of Treviso "honorary!

And tonight I close my ... but remind me that I must tell you about yet another holiday Rimini!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Find Best Lewis Structure

APOCALYPTO (spoiler)

This could not let you lose! Carry the full version pittica "in Apocalypto (Mel GHIBSON legendary film that I liked tantotanto) from the forum .... Pitta and honor to his tongue!!


Monday, January 1, 2007

Hanging Man Chat Roulette

The Adventures of Beans and Lillo: the chick

New year, new characters in the building of the mother in law ...

Meet Lilly and beans, two very nice gay men who are the envy of Will and Jack (those wiil & Grace ... and who does not know them would do well to get an education on!).

you notice: I will be as always "politically incorrect", so if anyone is offended by what they tell you will feel (and will be only the truth, as usual) had better get out of here and go take a walk. It 's true that talking about (male) homosexual is like shooting on the Red Cross but I love shooting on the Red Cross. After all the protagonists of these stories are well aware that I am talking about them and their sense of humor and dell'autoironia allow me to recount their amazing adventures in this world dominated, unfortunately, still to be false social morality and censorship.

censurerò not nothing, omit nothing, sweeten the pill. Her mother would not be otherwise!

start from the beginning, the dawn of time as they say ...

beans in one day version still innocent little boy, was walking in the countryside. The sun was shining and he is happily enjoying the nature ...
Nature, as we know, sometimes called ... and called out!
And so the beautiful blue eyed beans, seized with cramps, she decided to lie down and do the cool poo branches. But Ohibò! How clean?
Think you here thinks that Mother Nature, prodigal to his children, came to his rescue, in the form of a chick. A sweet, soft, yellow, piumosetto, ignorant chick passed right next to beans and he made 2 + 2. Quick, grabbed the wad sweet gold and used it to wipe his ass.
The chick was not at all happy but grains understand a truth: a bird in the ass was not so bad ^____*

But the adventures of Lilly and beans are certainly not finished, this was just a taste to see your reactions so tell me ... continuous??