example to follow
There is an idea that has more deaths than the atomic bomb. An idea that is the mother of all wars: the end justifies the means.
Thanks to this brilliant philosophical position the Christian West, led by the United States, has practiced for 60 years an international policy based on the support of any criminal dictator who declare themselves anti-communist. And that after that colonialism had done the same for five centuries.
Obama's support for the Egyptian Revolution is the first break point of this logic: accept the risk that the Egyptian people elect representatives who are enemies of the United States because freedom is a value that is not negotiable, and because we trust in the people and routes which they choose, believe that human beings have an unstoppable desire to achieve excellence.
this reversal of direction of the greatest imperialist power alone is the election of Obama.
The fact that the U.S. chose not to support the most corrupt dictators and torturers will determine the implosion of the dictatorial regimes, presumably in a short time. The world turns
Most likely we are faced with dominoes that effect we have seen at work in 1989 when overnight collapse of the assumptions that held together the Russian empire.
To realize the sea change that represents the new U.S. position, just think of the reactionary government of the Israeli press, which called on Europe and U.S. support for Mubarak's Egypt or else risk falling into the hands of Islamic fundamentalists ... who does
philosophy that the end justifies the means sowing storm ... It 's a way of thinking that gives simple greedy immediate results and prepares huge disasters in the long term. It 's a logical chicken thief. We can support a murderess if we need to avoid a worse danger. A logical
unfair and ineffective. It was the systematic massacres of opponents, even the most moderate, anger and radicalize the crowds make it!
How can we forget that Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden have been for a long time criminals in the pay of the U.S. role in anti-Communist?
Imagine if the money the U.S. spent to subsidize Mubarak (it is said that this is around 2 billion dollars a year and a half) had instead been invested to develop training and micro enterprises in Egypt ...
If the thousands of billions that the West spends on wars and weapons were going to help economically oppressed people, terrorism will disappear within 12 months.
And I would just note that we are entering a new era. Never happened that an empire implodesse causing only a few hundred dead. But still incomparable to the terrible death toll of any revolution of the past ... I did more of the five days of Milan in 1800, with weapons at the disposal of very low quality ...
And still pictures out of the revolt Egyptian iconography of war.
A woman with a burqa who screams in the main square, calling on men to rebel. The only seen eyes, cries after a few minutes and gather around her a large crowd, Al Jazeera, the film and re-transmits its image and thousands of people take to the streets, and thus begins the revolt ...
Egypt arose in a great time of human sensitivity.
And Mubarak could not do anything but go because the people had realized that he wanted much more than an old man with no heart. Thanks
Egypt. We hope to reach you.
by Jacopo For Blog
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