difficult ... The beginning of the end
The investigation "Why not," Luigi De Magistris, has led the charge for corruption in judicial acts of 'former prosecutor of Catanzaro Mariano Lombardi and his wife Maria Grazia related crimes Muzzi, the son of his previous report Pierpaolo Greek, Deputy Prosecutor Salvatore Catanzaro Murone (transferred), the former prosecutor Dolcino Combs, the former leader of the CDO Calabria Antonio Saladino, the PDL Giancarlo Pittelli Senator and former Undersecretary for Productive Activities Giuseppe Galati (husband of the Carolina League Lussana) . Vincenzo Pellegrino
According to the preliminary hearing judge by the prosecution to Salerno politicians have long promised bribes and favors to former prosecutor and her children just to prevent Luigi De Magistris to continue the investigation into the disappearance of millions of European public funds. This clarification is important because the "judge censured by the CSM is the most voted in the last parliamentary elections after president Silvio Berlusconi and current Budget Control Commission in Brussels.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Long Dong Silver Free Movies
The popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, Bahrain marked the beginning of the end of the American Empire and Western Europe, those regions. Since they won the Second World War the United States, despite all their fine words about democracy, supported the most infamous dictators, corrupt and bloodthirsty, as long as they did the comfortable, when they are not directly instigated the military coup. And that's imperialist realpolitik has always backfired and put them in untenable situations.
Support for the Cuban dictator Batista generated Castroism. Organized by the military coup against Salvador Allende, Henry Kissinger, who is guilty of being a socialist and not prone to the interests Yankees, led Chile, although with time, in the "line Chávez" independence of most Latin American dall'ingombrante protection Washington. Support for the Shah of Persia which was coated yes and no 2% of the Iranian people, a rich middle class while the rest of the country was starving, gave birth to Khomeinism the source of the resurgence of Islam. The substantial support for the "warlords" paved the way for the Somali Islamic Courts, very similar to the Afghan Taliban.
support the "Afghan warlords, Massoud, Dostum, Ismail Khan, the Taliban that they had brought six years of peace after so many of the war in Afghanistan, put them in an untenable situation, since guerrillas regained control 80% of the country. But the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan has awakened the Taliban in Pakistan at the beginning were a religious movement, though full, but peaceful and not at all subversive, so much so that supporting the government of Benazir Bhutto, and now are armed, and strive to make guerrillas seize power in Islamabad. The difference is that Pakistan has the atomic bomb. In pursuit of an imaginary danger Americans have created a real one.
In recent decades the U.S. has supported the Tunisian dictator Ben Ali, who fled with the cash just now facing the wrath of his people, the Egyptian dictator Mubarak kicked and now dying at his villa in Sharm el Sheik, have argued in 1991, when Algerian generals cutthroat in that country's first free elections the FIS (Islamic Salvation Front) had the misfortune to win at low reins, with 78% of the vote, and then those generals in cahoots with the West canceled elections and the pretext that the FIS would have established a dictatorship reiterated the legitimacy of what was already there.
Now the riots in the Maghreb, Egypt, Bahrain (where there is the usual American base), Libya (Qaddafi also became drinking when he set up business with the West), change all the terms. It is true that the Americans have already managed to put the hat on the Egyptian people's revolution, transforming it into a military coup. But from now on will be much more difficult to control the various situations. The outlet of these riots, they say, is unpredictable. Not really. It is very likely that these people once freed of dictators, end up, sooner or later, to become independent even from the puppeteer who for decades has operated them for his own use and consumption.
The Fact Daily, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Etiquette In Men's Gym Sauna
Advertising liar!
Nuclear? This commercial is misleading
This was established by the jury, the body responsible for monitoring advertising in Italy. The spot of the Italian Nuclear Forum where you see playing the game of chess is misleading and should be stopped spreading.
(Source: Ecoblog)
Nuclear? This commercial is misleading
This was established by the jury, the body responsible for monitoring advertising in Italy. The spot of the Italian Nuclear Forum where you see playing the game of chess is misleading and should be stopped spreading.
(Source: Ecoblog)
Monday, February 21, 2011
What Episode Does Vegeta Say He Loves Bulma
someone has the balls there (part 2)
that the wave of indignation civil and peaceful protest will be able to pass the waves of the Mediterranean, awakening the cathode-hypnotized the peninsula!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Green Green Ep 1 Sub (uncensored)
someone has the balls there!
Iceland says for the second it does not. Dry to a no refund four billion British and Dutch investors affected by the failure of the online bank Icesave. The President of Iceland, Olafur Grímsson, has in fact refused to sign the agreement with Britain and the Netherlands 4 billion to repay the bank. And for the second time, proposes to submit the agreement to a referendum. Despite popoplo has already rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bredemption with 95% of the vote in recent days, Parliament has approved the latest agreement. Grímsson explained that it is necessary to resort to a referendum petition on the block to satisfy an agreement made by 42 000 of 318 000 inhabitants of Iceland.
by Fabio Pavesi "Ilsole24 hours"
Iceland says for the second it does not. Dry to a no refund four billion British and Dutch investors affected by the failure of the online bank Icesave. The President of Iceland, Olafur Grímsson, has in fact refused to sign the agreement with Britain and the Netherlands 4 billion to repay the bank. And for the second time, proposes to submit the agreement to a referendum. Despite popoplo has already rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bredemption with 95% of the vote in recent days, Parliament has approved the latest agreement. Grímsson explained that it is necessary to resort to a referendum petition on the block to satisfy an agreement made by 42 000 of 318 000 inhabitants of Iceland.
by Fabio Pavesi "Ilsole24 hours"
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Ap Lab Cricket Respiration
family support
Does anyone remember the Family Day on May 12, 2007? Few, of course, but even more 'and' forgetful of the current government. The then deputy simple, Silvio Berlusconi, taking part in the demonstration, said that he loved so 'so the family by having more' one (for the jokes and 'unsurpassed). Now, as head of government, our president has 'forgotten family and its "central role" in society', in fact, the political foundation for the family changed from 346.5 million euro in the Prodi government (2008) to 52.5 million of the Berlusconi government (2011), the fund childcare-Piano nests increased from 100 million to 0 million of the Prodi government (!) Of the Berlusconi government, the national fund for social policies increased from 929.3 million to 275 million. Probably the president Berlusconi loves to "her" families but not to those of the Italians.
First Mastrantoni ( Aduc )
Does anyone remember the Family Day on May 12, 2007? Few, of course, but even more 'and' forgetful of the current government. The then deputy simple, Silvio Berlusconi, taking part in the demonstration, said that he loved so 'so the family by having more' one (for the jokes and 'unsurpassed). Now, as head of government, our president has 'forgotten family and its "central role" in society', in fact, the political foundation for the family changed from 346.5 million euro in the Prodi government (2008) to 52.5 million of the Berlusconi government (2011), the fund childcare-Piano nests increased from 100 million to 0 million of the Prodi government (!) Of the Berlusconi government, the national fund for social policies increased from 929.3 million to 275 million. Probably the president Berlusconi loves to "her" families but not to those of the Italians.
First Mastrantoni ( Aduc )
Monday, February 14, 2011
Indoor Basketball Courts Nyc
example to follow
There is an idea that has more deaths than the atomic bomb. An idea that is the mother of all wars: the end justifies the means.
Thanks to this brilliant philosophical position the Christian West, led by the United States, has practiced for 60 years an international policy based on the support of any criminal dictator who declare themselves anti-communist. And that after that colonialism had done the same for five centuries.
Obama's support for the Egyptian Revolution is the first break point of this logic: accept the risk that the Egyptian people elect representatives who are enemies of the United States because freedom is a value that is not negotiable, and because we trust in the people and routes which they choose, believe that human beings have an unstoppable desire to achieve excellence.
this reversal of direction of the greatest imperialist power alone is the election of Obama.
The fact that the U.S. chose not to support the most corrupt dictators and torturers will determine the implosion of the dictatorial regimes, presumably in a short time. The world turns
Most likely we are faced with dominoes that effect we have seen at work in 1989 when overnight collapse of the assumptions that held together the Russian empire.
To realize the sea change that represents the new U.S. position, just think of the reactionary government of the Israeli press, which called on Europe and U.S. support for Mubarak's Egypt or else risk falling into the hands of Islamic fundamentalists ... who does
philosophy that the end justifies the means sowing storm ... It 's a way of thinking that gives simple greedy immediate results and prepares huge disasters in the long term. It 's a logical chicken thief. We can support a murderess if we need to avoid a worse danger. A logical
unfair and ineffective. It was the systematic massacres of opponents, even the most moderate, anger and radicalize the crowds make it!
How can we forget that Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden have been for a long time criminals in the pay of the U.S. role in anti-Communist?
Imagine if the money the U.S. spent to subsidize Mubarak (it is said that this is around 2 billion dollars a year and a half) had instead been invested to develop training and micro enterprises in Egypt ...
If the thousands of billions that the West spends on wars and weapons were going to help economically oppressed people, terrorism will disappear within 12 months.
And I would just note that we are entering a new era. Never happened that an empire implodesse causing only a few hundred dead. But still incomparable to the terrible death toll of any revolution of the past ... I did more of the five days of Milan in 1800, with weapons at the disposal of very low quality ...
And still pictures out of the revolt Egyptian iconography of war.
A woman with a burqa who screams in the main square, calling on men to rebel. The only seen eyes, cries after a few minutes and gather around her a large crowd, Al Jazeera, the film and re-transmits its image and thousands of people take to the streets, and thus begins the revolt ...
Egypt arose in a great time of human sensitivity.
And Mubarak could not do anything but go because the people had realized that he wanted much more than an old man with no heart. Thanks
Egypt. We hope to reach you.
by Jacopo For Blog
There is an idea that has more deaths than the atomic bomb. An idea that is the mother of all wars: the end justifies the means.
Thanks to this brilliant philosophical position the Christian West, led by the United States, has practiced for 60 years an international policy based on the support of any criminal dictator who declare themselves anti-communist. And that after that colonialism had done the same for five centuries.
Obama's support for the Egyptian Revolution is the first break point of this logic: accept the risk that the Egyptian people elect representatives who are enemies of the United States because freedom is a value that is not negotiable, and because we trust in the people and routes which they choose, believe that human beings have an unstoppable desire to achieve excellence.
this reversal of direction of the greatest imperialist power alone is the election of Obama.
The fact that the U.S. chose not to support the most corrupt dictators and torturers will determine the implosion of the dictatorial regimes, presumably in a short time. The world turns
Most likely we are faced with dominoes that effect we have seen at work in 1989 when overnight collapse of the assumptions that held together the Russian empire.
To realize the sea change that represents the new U.S. position, just think of the reactionary government of the Israeli press, which called on Europe and U.S. support for Mubarak's Egypt or else risk falling into the hands of Islamic fundamentalists ... who does
philosophy that the end justifies the means sowing storm ... It 's a way of thinking that gives simple greedy immediate results and prepares huge disasters in the long term. It 's a logical chicken thief. We can support a murderess if we need to avoid a worse danger. A logical
unfair and ineffective. It was the systematic massacres of opponents, even the most moderate, anger and radicalize the crowds make it!
How can we forget that Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden have been for a long time criminals in the pay of the U.S. role in anti-Communist?
Imagine if the money the U.S. spent to subsidize Mubarak (it is said that this is around 2 billion dollars a year and a half) had instead been invested to develop training and micro enterprises in Egypt ...
If the thousands of billions that the West spends on wars and weapons were going to help economically oppressed people, terrorism will disappear within 12 months.
And I would just note that we are entering a new era. Never happened that an empire implodesse causing only a few hundred dead. But still incomparable to the terrible death toll of any revolution of the past ... I did more of the five days of Milan in 1800, with weapons at the disposal of very low quality ...
And still pictures out of the revolt Egyptian iconography of war.
A woman with a burqa who screams in the main square, calling on men to rebel. The only seen eyes, cries after a few minutes and gather around her a large crowd, Al Jazeera, the film and re-transmits its image and thousands of people take to the streets, and thus begins the revolt ...
Egypt arose in a great time of human sensitivity.
And Mubarak could not do anything but go because the people had realized that he wanted much more than an old man with no heart. Thanks
Egypt. We hope to reach you.
by Jacopo For Blog
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Gallbladder Polyps Cures
used oil disposal:
We are used, usually at the end of frying, wait until the oil in a frying pan cool, then pour or in the kitchen sink or toilet. Such a disposal causes serious environmental damage. In fact, the oil spilled in the sewage, affect the operation of water treatment plants and pollutes groundwater. To dispose of your cooking oil really enough a few simple and quick actions. Just get a plastic bin of 10 liters of empty containers or plastic laundry detergents to 3 liters or 5 liters in the house will never fail.
You might find a niche in the kitchen where you keep these containers and at appropriate times to use it without problems. After each frying, you have to wait until the oil cools down very well. Then take a funnel and the bin, it should fit, Pour in oil. Cap it and put it back, waiting for the next overflow of oil. When it is full, will dispose of it. What to do? Call your waste collection company, which operates the area to ensure the collection of waste oils. Find out about where they are rented (if they have been put in your city) OR bins (Solid Waste Hazardous), or where it is the island green for the collection. Find the information you need, whether in your city, there are bins RUP, dispose of your oil in these bins. Otherwise you will have to take it to the nearest island label collection. Obviously, to avoid going there too often, usually only accessible by car, pick up the more bins in your oil, put it in storage, waiting for the final load that you do to go and dispose of, giving them a single trip by car.
just a few actions to save the planet!
You might find a niche in the kitchen where you keep these containers and at appropriate times to use it without problems. After each frying, you have to wait until the oil cools down very well. Then take a funnel and the bin, it should fit, Pour in oil. Cap it and put it back, waiting for the next overflow of oil. When it is full, will dispose of it. What to do? Call your waste collection company, which operates the area to ensure the collection of waste oils. Find out about where they are rented (if they have been put in your city) OR bins (Solid Waste Hazardous), or where it is the island green for the collection. Find the information you need, whether in your city, there are bins RUP, dispose of your oil in these bins. Otherwise you will have to take it to the nearest island label collection. Obviously, to avoid going there too often, usually only accessible by car, pick up the more bins in your oil, put it in storage, waiting for the final load that you do to go and dispose of, giving them a single trip by car.
just a few actions to save the planet!
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