Bags "disposable" plastic waste and suffocate the marine environment. And they slaughter of animals. That ingest the bags of cellophane or they are trapped. The problem also applies to the Mediterranean, between Italy, Spain and France, has a concentration of plastic than that of the Pacific Trash Vortex, a huge accumulation of garbage in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This was revealed in "The impact of plastic bags on the marine environment", report that summarizes major scientific studies on pollution in the sea by discarded plastic.
According to the document, from 60 to 80% of all the garbage found in marine waters is composed of plastic. Percentage that, in some areas is as high as 90-95% of the total. Have serious consequences on wildlife: the second United Nations Programme for Environment (UNEP), the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, about 49 115 species of marine mammals at risk of ingesting the waste daily, or become trapped. 111 species of birds are threatened, while nearly a million marine birds killed each year. Elephant seals, dolphins, whales and many other species ingest plastic bags. Sea turtles, which mistake them for jellyfish and die after a slow agony caused by total blockade of the digestive tract, which causes choking.
The phenomenon has long been known. Already three oceanographic cruises carried out during 1994, 1995 and 1996 had shown that 70% of marine litter consisted of plastic bags: cellophane bags are no longer present in the waste water after cigarette butts and bottles.
Things are not good for Italy. The highest concentration of plastics in the Mediterranean is in fact in the north of the Tyrrhenian Sea, off the coast of the Island of Elba: 892,000 pieces per square kilometer. That give our country a sad record. "Italy is a country doubly exposed to the problem of plastic bags and scattering at sea - said Stephen Ciafani, scientific director of Legambiente - It is because, before the announcement of the bags 'disposable', marketed 25% of total number of shoppers across Europe.
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