Thursday, July 5, 2007

Lg Bd270 Play Dvd On Region 3

Ironically .... The


square in Rome for Christians
against persecution and for Father Bossi

Several thousand people took to the streets of Rome to ask for respect for religious freedom in the world and protest against the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.


LOOK MA!! After 2000 years, during which Christians have persecuted them ALL the others now feel an "endangered species". Some data
, just to take stock of the situation:

Already the Emperor Constantine had intervened in the affairs of the Church with a decree banishing the bishops declared heretical by the Council of Nicea.

This situation was further developed in 380 when Emperor Theodosius, with the Edict of Thessalonica became the Roman Empire was in a confessional, providing penalties for those who do not profess the religion of the apostles. The next few years to increase the penalties other imperial edicts against heretics, up to the death penalty.

(source: wikipedia)

Year 609 AD GUNDEMARO ascended the throne, now brings together a council at Toledo reaffirming the Catholic religion. The councils only King could summon, and only the king had the right to appoint bishops or to deprive them of their diocese. This year's in Toledo is already the fourth (if you take 18). Gundemaro discusses and enforces a strict law, "state's duty to defend the church and punish crimes against the Catholic religion."
After only two years of his reign GUNDEMARO dies (612), comes to power another Christian king SISEBUTO, author of Lives of the Saints (with a profusion of miracles), and a fervent Catholic, that does not prevent him from having large expansionist ambitions, with and two great generals such as RECHILA SUINTILA, subjects the Asturiana, some groups of the Basque, and hunting all but the last Byzantine Spain.

But where he left terrible memories of this compiler-Lives of the Saints-was the persecution of the Jews, who since the time of the diaspora had taken refuge in large numbers in Spain live in peace with the Visigoths Arians. The king sent
racist laws: forbidding mixed marriages who were convicted of adultery in the same way, forbade Jews from owning Christian slaves by requiring them to set at liberty those who had a service and to own land, so they were prevented from carrying out any agricultural activity, the city can only residence, but where the same laws forbidding Jews to hold public office.
The most severe was that of tightening a law that already existed for some years but had never been applied, and it was one of Recaredo, the first Christian king of Spain, who had imposed an edict that all Jews should be baptized with the Christian rite, under pain of exile and confiscation of assets patrimonial law that shocked the same Bishop Isidore of Seville (560-636 - great intellectual, Monaco sent at the time of Gregory the Great to evangelize the Visigoths) who died some years Sisebuto (621), Isidore tried to revoke this law when he was to lead the council of bishops, but I could neither return the goods to those who had been stripped with quell'editto or arrest the progressive suppression of freedom of worship.


Then ... everyone knows about the affair "inquisition," which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of "witches" and homosexuals (yes, this detail is often silent but it is a fact). As everyone knows the tenacity shown by zealous Christians in exterminating entire cultures (see South America, Africa etc etc) ... and oh well, let's also the Crusades!

All evil done now back, matter of REDE or karma?


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