Sunday, June 17, 2007

2010 Chevy Silverado 427ss For Sale

zdaure landed in London on

Sisi, it's true! They came to London!
ok, zdaura across the Channel has undergone a certain mutation in order to better adapt to new habitats, but are able to do almost better than homegrown!!
I do not say anything but thanks to my brother quell'umarell who provided such great ... uh ... folkloristicità!

Citizens Bank Franklin,n.h Routing Number

beans and de Lillo Bich (Flesch nius)

The beans and Lilly are back to the "sea" this weekend and send me a spescial the sweet sleep ...

writes directly to the beans: REST IN PEACE

Too bad there is no sound! Russian as a truck driver!


What nice to be miles and miles on the highway code in the sun just to enjoy such scenery! Ahhhh I almost envy them!

Dandruff Or Lice Eggs

Finally someone does something!


Proposal fine of $ 500 for those who leave see linen

A mayor of Louisiana wants to make a proposed law banning low-rise pants, more specifically to showcase the fashion board shorts, such as "indecency." The BBC reported today in its online version. Delcambre's city council unanimously approved the order of a few days ago, making the offense a widespread fashion among the youth to show off the underwear low waist pants. If you put your underwear on display, you can receive a fine "of $ 500 (375 Euros), warned Mayor Carol Broussard. Violators also risk a penalty of six months in prison. This is a new ordinance that is particularly concerned with low-waisted trousers - said prosecutor Ted Ayo - those that show their underwear in public. "The mayor has denied that it is a racist measure, directly, for example, against music fans hip-hop. "The whites wear low waist pants, cut short Broussard.


It's about time! Yes yes vote in favor. I sick of seeing cigarette butts, ciccette, Rodella and especially hairy ass!! I hope someone also collect this initiative from us!